Previous Years Recalled Questions for Bank Promotion Exams (Set 7)

Previous Years Recalled Questions for Bank Promotion Exams
(Set 7)

1. Which type
of mortgage is not required to be registered with Registrar of Assurance? Equitable

2. Which is not
a negotiable instrument under N.l. Act?  Transport

3. Simple
Mortgage is registered with: Registrar of Assurance

4. In case of
dishonor of a Bill of Exchange, Noting is made by: Notary

5. Providing
banking facilities on affordable cost to poor person is called: Financial

6. In case of
commercial banks, how much loan is covered under CGTMSE scheme? Rs 200 lakhs

7. Working
Capital Gap is calculated as: Current Assets minus current liabilities other
than bank borrowings.

8. Which
certificate is essential for opening account of a limited company? Certificate
of Incorporation.

Previous Years Recalled Questions for Bank Promotion Exams (Set 4)

9. Which type
of transactions are not done through RTGS? Travellers cheque

10. What is the
purpose of Swabhiman program? Financial inclusion

11. Which is
not bailment? Depositing cash in a bank account.

12. Which gas
is produced by Gobar Gas plant? Methane (CH4)

13. When on
issue of a duplicate draft on loss of original DD, both original &
Duplicate draft are presented together for payment, which draft will be paid? Duplicate
will be paid

14. What is
Financial Inclusion? Providing banking services to financially excluded
persons at affordable cost.

15. Number
of members in a Joint Liability Group can be — (a) 4-10 (b) 4-20 (c) 10-20 (d)
5-20: 4-10 (Minimum 4, Maximum 10)

16. Straight
line method of depreciation is used in the case of: Computer

17. For
financing direct agricultural advance, No Dues certificate ” is not
required for loans upto: any amount.

18. Loans to
farmers for agricultural activities are exempted from margin and collateral
security for loans up to: Rs 160,000.

19. Who can
stop the payment of a demand draft? Nobody can stop payment of a demand

20. What is the
relationship between a bank and a customer when a draft has been issued? Debtor
and Creditor.

One liner Questions and answers for Bank Promotion Exams (Set 2)

21. CRR is
under which act: RBI Act

22. A company
has to sell its land and building having book value of Rs.200 lakh, for Rs.180
lakh. It also incurs net loss of Rs.10 lakh at the end of the year. What is net
profit earned from its operations? Rs.10 lakh.

23. After death
of account holder: POA signed cheque not to be passed

24. As per RBI
guidelines, loans to priority sector target for Regional Rural Banks is: 75%
of total outstanding loans.

25. In PMEGP,
what is the subsidy for financing SC/ST in rural area? 35% of the project

26. Fixed
deposit along with interest of Rs 20,000 and above cannot be paid in cash as
per provisions of: Section 269 T of Income Tax Act.

27. Bank
account of which of the following is covered in the low risk category of
customers: salaried employee

28. If Bank
name written in two parallel line, what is the type of crossing? Special

29. If
“not negotiable” is written between two parallel lines on the face of
a cheque, what will be its impact? The cheque will continue to be transferable
but title of transferee will not be better than title of transferor.

30. Blue Revolution-Aquaculture.

31. RTGS helps
in preventing which type of risks? Systemic risk and settlement risk.

32. What is the
rate of Provision on standard loan other than agriculture and MSE? 0.40% of

33. In a loan
account, outstanding is below sanctioned limit but no interest received upto 90
days and no credit entry credited. The account will be classified as (a)
Standard (b) Substandard (c) Doubtful (d) Loss: The account is out of order
only and has not become NPA and therefore classified as Standard asset.

34. How much
overdraft in PMJDY account is treated as other priority sector? Rs 10000.

35. Which of
the following does not have share in RRB — (a) Sponsor Bank (b) Central govt
(c) State govt (d) Nabard: NABARD

36. Overdue/
matured time deposit is classified as: Demand liability.

37. Which of
the following is liability (a) Deposits (b) Advance (c) Cash balance (d)
investment in Government security: Deposits.

38. Charge on
immovable properties. Mortgage

39. In the case
of Kisan credit card, if term loan is provided for other purpose, what is the
validity of credit card ? 5 years

40. Limitation
period of a demand loan starts from: Date of loan.

41. If a safe
deposit vault is purchased for branch use, it should be classified as: Funiture
& Fixture.

42. Minimum
amount outstanding for enforcement of Sarfaesi Act: More than Rs 1 lakh.

43. On which of
the following accounts, norms relating to NPA are not applicable (a) Loan
against jewelry (b) Loan against Govt security (c) Housing Loan (d) Loan
against Life Insurance Policy: Ans is D.

44. In case of
agricultural advance, loan given for a short duration crop will be treated as
NPA if it is overdue for (a) One crop season (b) Two crop seasons (c) 90 days
(d) 180 days: two crop seasons.

45. Collecting
Banker protection available under which Section: Sec 131

KYC (Know Your Customer) 30 MCQs on KYC Guidelines (Part 2) for Bank Promotion Exams

46. In case of
agricultural advance to farmer, collateral security is not to be taken for
loans up to — Rs 1 Iac (b) Rs 50,000 (c) Rs 200,000 (d) Rs 75,000: Rs

47. While
classifying a Balance Sheet, Inventory is shown as part of: Current Assets.

48. Which type
of charge is created while granting advance against goods which are not in the
possession of the bank — (a) Assignment (b) Lien (c) Hypothecation (d)
Mortgage: Hypothecation

49. Olericulture
is related to which of the following — (a) Vegetable cultivation (b) fish (c)
Oilseed cultivation (d) forestry: Vegetable Cultivation

50. In case of
fixed deposits, which of the following can be done by a nominee after death of
depositor — (a) He can renew the deposit (b) He can take premature payment (c)
He can add his name in FDR (d) He can raise loan against FDR: He can take
premature payment.

51. There is an
FDR in the name of Mr. A. Nomination has been done in favour of Mr. B. On
renewal of FDR, which of the following will be correct regarding nomination —
(a) Nomination will have to be done again (b) The same nomination will
continue: The same nomination will continue.

52. Which of
the following is not a negotiable instrument — (a) Promissory Note (b) Bill of
Exchange (c) Cheque (d) DD (e) None of these: None of these

53. A draft
must be crossed with Account payee only crossing if the amount of Demand Draft
or Pay order is: Rs 20,000 or above.

54. Which of
the following can not nominate (a) Individual (b) HUF (c) Sole Proprietorship
firm: HUF

55. There is a
joint account in the name of A and B with Either or Survivor instructions. B
stops payment of a cheque which has been signed by A. What should the bank do? The
bank will accept the stop payment instruction and not pay the same when

56. Cash
Reserve Ratio (CRR) is kept as percentage of which of the following (a) Cash
with RBI (b) Approved securities (c) Net Demand and Time Liabilities (d) Gold: NDTL

57. What is a
continuing Guarantee? which is issued for series of transactions.

58. In the Call
Money, lending and borrowing is done for how many days (a) 1 day only (b) 1 day
to 3 days (c) 1 day to 7 days (d) 2 days to 14 days: 1 day only

59. Saving Bank
account cannot be opened in the name of which of the following (a) Khadi &
Village Industries Boards (b) State Housing Board (c) Agriculture Produce
Committees: State Housing Board

60. When loan
is granted by more than one bank on a common security under common
documentation, the nature of charge is called:
Parri-passu charge 

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