2nd  SET

          1. Garnishee Order is issued by ……… and bank is ……..of
the Judgement                                Debtor  
Court, Debtor.
          2. Registration of document (other than will) within a
period of: 4 months.

          3. Banking Ombudsman: maximum award to be passed: Rs. 2

          4. Borrowing powers of director or board i.e. the
extent to which Directors can
borrow                is given in:
Articles of association

          5. In CGTMSE, for loans from Rs. 5.00 lac to Rs.
50.00 lacs, what is the claim                            percentage:
Rs. 37.50 lacs (80% in case of women & north east)

          6. Frauds of Rs 10,000 & above but below Rs 0.1 million:
State Police;
to the local                    police  station
          7. Maximum loan amount for renewable energy for
classification as PS is: Rs.
15.00 cr
          8. Maximum loan amount for social infrastructure
for classification as PS: Rs.
5.00 cr
          9. Loans up to which amount for artisans, village
and cottage industries to be                            
classified under
weaker sections: Rs. 1.00 lacs

          10. As per official language policy, where participants
in a training program are
from                    regions ‘A’
and ‘B’, the training may be imparted in: Hindi.

          11. What is the maximum loan amount under Stand up India scheme? Rs.100.00 lacs
          12. As per latest RBI guidelines, DD of Rs. 20000/- and above
to be issued
as: A/c                      payee  crossing
         13. Overdue of loans from 61 to 90 days is: SMA2
         14. ABC are partners of a firm X. Firm has availed
loan of Rs. 2, 00,000/- and one
of                   the partner died when the liability is Rs. 2.00 lacs. After the death
of a
partner,                       credit of Rs. 2.00 lacs and debit of
Rs. 1.50 lacs happened in the
account. What is                 the liability of the legal heirs of the deceased partner as
Claytons rule: No                         liability
         15. Partner’s liability – Joint and Several, Unlimited
         16. Who is a Resident? People staying in India for > 182
days in previous financial                      
         17. PMMY Shishu loans upto: Rs. 50000/-
         18. At national level, APY is monitored by:
Pension Fund Regulatory and                                      
Development  Authority
         19. RBI prescribes CRR as per: Sec 42(1) RBI Act.
          20. Utkarsh bank get approval for: SMALL FINANCE BANK
          21. Uniform
savings bank rate by RBI
upto: 1 Lakh
          22.CGFMU for which scheme: Credit Guarantee Fund
for Micro Units (CGFMU) was                 
notified by Govt.
on 18th April 2016 and has been made effective
retrospectively                    for loans sanctioned: Shishu Loans: covering
loans upto Rs 50,000/-; Kishor                          Loans:  covering loans above
50,000/- and upto Rs 5 lakh;
Tarun Loans.
          23. Frauds of Rs. 0.1 million and above involving outsiders
and bank staff: To the                        
State CID/Economic
Offences Wing of the State concerned

          24. Micro Manufacturing enterprise is one in which
investment in machinery up to:
Rs                 25Lakhs
          25. Small Service enterprise means in which investment
in equipment is up to: Rs2                      
          26. Counterfeit note kept record for year: 3 years
          27. NEFT total settlement during the day: 23
          28. JLG member range: 4 to 10
          29. Payment bank accept deposit upto 1 lakh by: Only Saving
and Current account

          30. Walk in customer deposit amount Rs…..and above to verify KYC: RS 50,000
          31. CERSAI full form: Central Registry of Securitization,
Asset Reconstruction and                      
Security  Interest of

          32. Notice money vary from 2 to …………day: 14 days
          33. Frauds of Rs 30 million and above and up to ₹250
million: CBI- To be lodged
with                  Anti- Corruption Branch of CBI (where staff involvement is prima
evident) or                  Economic Offences Wing of CBI (where
staff involvement is prima
facie not                            evident)
          34. As per KYC guidelines, where the customer is an
unincorporated association or                   
body of individuals
(including societies), the beneficial owner is the
natural                              person(s), who, whether acting alone or Together, or
through one or more                              Juridical
person, has/have ownership of/entitlement to: more than 15 percent of                    the property or capital or profits of  the unincorporated
association or body
of                          individuals.
          35. Bank is a member of which CICs – Transunion CIBIL,
Experian, CIC,
Equifax CIS                  &  CRIF High
Mark CIS.

          36. Profit before tax (450), tax (150), Depreciation (75),
on TL (75) &                                Instalment of TL (150) – Calculate DSCR: 2:1 (profit
after tax+ Depreciation +                        
Interest on Term Loan)/ (Annual instalment + Interest on Term loan) = (450+150 +                  75 +75) / (150 + 75)
         37. Working Capital Limit (Rs 30 lacs), Outstanding
Liability (Rs 18 lacs), Margin                        
(25%),  Stocks (Rs.
21 lacs) – What action
bank needs to take: Bank should ask                     borrower to regularize the drawing power
to avail full limit as DP at
present will be                 Rs
15.75 Lac whereas outstanding is Rs 18 lac .

         38. Reporting fraud cases, amount above Rs. 3 Cr and up
to Rs……….to be lodged                   
with ACB, CBI where

involvement is there – Rs. 25 Cr.
         39. UCP 600 is maintained and revised by: International
Chamber of Commerce                         
         40. A product that derives its value from the performance
of an underlying entity:                         

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