One Liner Questions with Answers SET 1
- A crop will be called short duration crop if its crop season is up to: 12 months
- A savings account becomes inoperative when it not operated for: 2 years
- Bailment of goods or securities to secure a debt is called: Pledge
- Borrowing powers of director or board i.e. the extent to which Directors can borrow is given in: Articles of association
- Deferred Payment guarantee is: Financial Guarantee
- DSCR indicates: Ability of firm to repay term loan instalments
- Finance against receivables means: FACTORING
- How much amount can be remitted abroad by a resident individual under Liberalized Remittance Scheme: USD 250000 in a financial year
- Insurance amount under Rupay card by NPCI is: Rs. 1.00 lac (Rs 2 lac for premium card)
- Limitation period for filling suit in respect of mortgage is: 12 years
- Notice money vary from 2 to day: 14 days
- PMJDY OD is upto: Rs. 10,000/-
- The charge on stocks is created by: Hypothecation (also by pledge or lien)
- Under PM Shram Yogi Maan Dhan (PMSYM), an unorganized sector worker within age group of is eligible:18 to 40 years
- Lock in period of PPF account: 15 years
- maximum amount of award that can be given by Banking Ombudsman in case of credit cards: Rs 1 lakh
- What is the maximum amount of claim that can be referred to Lok Adalat? Rs 20 lakh
- Type of charge is created on Life Insurance Policy: Assignment
- A charge where there is neither the transfer of ownership nor the possession is: Hypothecation
- Section 131 of Negotiable instrument Act– Protection to collecting banks
- Statutory Liquidity Ratio is maintained as per: section 24 of Banking Regulation Act.
- Return of securities on repayment of loan: Within 15 days of repayment
- The National CDRC will hear complaints worth more than Rs. 10 crores under COPRA (Consumer Protection Act, 2019)
- Contributions made into the Atal Pension Yojana are eligible for tax deduction under Section 80CCD of Income Tax Act.
- Minimum amount for Transfer using RTGS is Rs. 2.00 lakh (Two lakh).
- A small enterprise, where the investment in plant and machinery or equipment does not exceed ten crore rupees and turnover does not exceed fifty crore rupees; and
- Priority sector lending targets for Micro enterprises is 7.5%.
- Risk weight on credit cards is 100%
- As per BASEL 3 capital conservation buffer is 2.5% of RWA
- Issuance of 60 days Demand Notice is as per Section 13(2) of SARFAESIA,2002.
- Special crossing: Writing name of a bank on a cheque with or without two parallel lines.
- Within how many days of deposit of title deeds, charge is required to be registered with CERSAI? 30 days.
- Full form of BCSBI: Banking Codes & Standards Board of India
- Financial Year 2021 fiscal deficit target at 3.5% of GDP
- Scale of Finance i.e. crop loan per hectare is decided by: District Technical Committee
- Doubtful: An asset which has remained in Sub Standard category for a period of 1 years becomes Doubtful thereafter.
- Provisioning for Loss asset is : 100% of outstanding amount
- Current Ratio = Current Assets/Current Liabilities.
- Loans to individuals for educational purposes, including vocational courses, not exceeding ₹ 20 lakh will be considered as eligible for priority sector classification